Career in Forestry Widlife

Career in Forestry Wildlife

Wildlife Forestry is an important and interesting subject of study. Forests form part of the vital natural resources of a country. From time immemorial forest resources have been a source of human sustenance. They are home to the most amazing herbs, medicinal compounds, natural cosmetics etc. Forestry and Wild Life go together since forests serve as home for wildlife.Forest wealth also contributes significantly to the economy of the country. Specially trained personnel are therefore needed to maintain and regenerate the forest cover, forest wealth and resources. This involves the services of forestry specialists, forestry management experts and forest officers.Forestry involves protection of forests and farming of trees to ensure contributing timber supply. Forester takes care of forest resources by protecting them from fire, pests, disease, encroachment and indiscriminate felling of trees. 



1.Educational: Various courses in forestry are available, at the graduate, postgraduate and diploma level, as well as at the Ph.D. level. After Class XII (PCB) graduate degree in subjects such as : Agriculture, Natural Sciences, Ecology, Environmental Sciences or Forestry and post graduation in forest management.
Class XII (PCM) graduation in Economics, Geology, Mathematics, Statistics, Mechanical Engineering and  post-graduation in forest management/wildlife management.
Graduates in Botany, Chemistry, Zoology, Physics, Statistics, Geology,  Agriculture,Forestry, Engineering can take the Indian Forest Service examination conducted by Union Public Service Commission Click me . for joining the government forestry department. Further the masters level offers specialisation in subjects like Forest Management, Commercial Forestry, Forest Economics, Wood Science & Technology, Wildlife Science, Veterinary Science etc. The Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Nehru Nagar, Bhopal Click me offers a study programme in Forest Management. 

2.Personal Attributes: Liking for outdoors, spirit of adventure, good health, stamina and physical fitness, patience, scientific temperament, organizing ability, public relations skills, practicality, courage, decision-making ability, capacity to work long hours, a genuine interest in the preservation of the natural environment and habitat, inclination for research and academic bent of mind, curiosity, excellent skills of observation, interest in agriculture and geography. 

Job Prospects 

Foresters can take up work either in offices, laboratories or outdoors depending on their field of specialisation. Employment opportunities exist with
a.Governmental, non-governmental organisations interested in preservation of forest resources 
b.Corporates having own plantations for timbering Industries that utilise forest resources employ industrial and agricultural consultants 
c.Indian Council Of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) Click me and its affiliated Forestry research institutes such as Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, Institute of Social Forestry and Eco-rehabilitation, Allahabad etc. 
d.Wildlife Research Institutes in Dehra Dun, Coimbatore etc. 
e.Zoological Parks 
f.Wildlife Ranges 
g.Education sector as tutors 

Career options

There are various people who work in forest and wild life conservation. For example, foresters, dendrologists, ethologists, entomologists, silviculturists (forest propagation and culture), forest range officers, zoo curators etc.

1.Forester: The forester is responsible for protecting and regenerating forests, protecting wildlife habitats, checking for and fighting wild fires, landscape management and so on. With experience foresters can graduate to managing public relations, preparing reports and managing budgets.

2.Dendrologists: Dendrologists specialise in the scientific study of trees and woody plants. Their work involves research on the history, life span, measuring, grading, classifying the varieties of trees, and studying ways and means of tree improvement through afforestation etc.

3.Enthologists: Ethology is the scientific study of animal behaviour in its natural environment. An ethologist studies and analyses the evolution, behaviour, biological functions etc. of an organism in its natural environment. Enthologists design healthy habitats for animals in zoos, aquariums, and laboratories. They also study animal behavior to enhance our knowledge of human physiology and psychology.

4.Entomologists: Entomologists specialise in the study and control of diseases caused by insects and pests.

5.Silviculturistsis: Silviculture is an aspect of Forestry that refers to the growth of plantations that yield periodic harvests.

6.Forest Range Officers: Forest range officers take care of public forests, sancturies, botanical gardens etc. They have conservators, loggers and other junior personnel working with them. Entry into this post is through the Indian Forest Service (IFS) Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission.

7.Zoo curators: They are responsible for animal welfare in the zoos and also undertake conservation programmes. Zoo curator plays a role in the administration of zoo functions and captive breeding programs. They review reports made by zookeepers, calculate the budgetary requirements for the zoo and encourage research activity. 


Arid Forest Research Institute, situated at Jodhpur in Rajasthan Click me , is one of the institutes of the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education ( ICFRE ) working under the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India. The Objective of the Institute is to carry out scientific research in forestry in order to provide technologies to increase the vegetative cover and to conserve the biodiversity in the hot arid and semi arid region of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Dadara & Nagar Haveli union territory. The Institute Campus covers 66 ha. of area on the New Pali Road, Jodhpur.The Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Nehru Nagar, Bhopal Click me offers a study programme in Forest Management.

                                     BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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